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      herbituss syrup 120ml Product Image

      Herbituss Syrup 120Ml

      Rs. 142.50

      Rs. 150.00



      Herbituss Syrup Specification

      Requires Prescription (YES/NO)



      Each 5 ml of Medics Herbituss syrup contains aqueous extracts from dry herbs, equivalent to : Vasaka (Arosa) 50 mg, Licorice (Mulethi) 50 mg, Marshmallow (Khatmi) 50 mg, Mallow (Khubazi) 25 mg, Naushadar 70 mg

      Used For

      Cough Relief

      How it works

      Medics Herbituss is natural herbal remedy for productive cough suitable for all day use. Herbituss works fast to reduce frequency and severity of cough while removing mucus buildup.Herbituss sugar free formula suitable for diabetics.Herbituss is an effective non drowsy herbal syrup which helps maintain your daily activities without feeling down.Herbituss is produced from traditional herbs famous for centuries for gently removing mucus, reducing congestion and cough.Vasaka (Arosa) It has soothing effect on throat irritation and acts as an expectorant to loosen mucus in the respiratory passage.Licorice or Mulethi reduces inflammation, soothes sore throat and loosen bronchial congestion.Marsh Mallow (Khatmi) starts to work immediately by forming a soothing protective coating on inflamed mucosa.Mallow (Khubazi) useful for cough and inflammation of mouth or throat.

      Herbituss Syrup Usage And Safety


      Each 5 ml of Medics Herbituss syrup contains aqueous extracts from dry herbs, equivalent to : Vasaka (Arosa) 50 mg, Licorice (Mulethi) 50 mg, Marshmallow (Khatmi) 50 mg, Mallow (Khubazi) 25 mg, Naushadar 70 mg

      Side Effects


      Drug Interactions



      Herbal medicinal product useful for relief from cough and sore throat. Herbal remedy for productive cough suitable for all day use.Herbituss works fast to reduce frequency and severity of cough while removing mucus buildup. Herbituss sugar free formula suitable for diabetics.

      When not to Use


      Herbituss Syrup Precautions


      Keep out of reach of children.Shake well before use.Store at or below 30°C.Protect from direct sunlight.If symptoms persist consult your health care professional.Pregnant or breast-feeding women shall consult health care professional before use.

      Herbituss Syrup Warnings

      Warning 1


      Warning 2


      Warning 3


      Herbituss Syrup Additional Information

      Pregnancy category

      Always consult your physician before using any medicine.

      Storage (YES/NO)

      Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.

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