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      acylex tablets 200mg (1 strip = 5 tablets) Product Image

      Acylex Tablets 200Mg (1 Strip = 5 Tablets)

      Rs. 95.00

      Rs. 100.00



      Acylex Tablets Specification

      Requires Prescription (YES/NO)




      Used For

      Viral Infection

      How it works

      It contain a medicine called aciclovir. This belongs to a group of medicines called antivirals. It works by killing or stopping the growth of viruses.

      Acylex Tablets Usage And Safety



      Side Effects

      Anaphylaxis, fever, headache, pain, peripheral edema; Diarrhea, elevated liver function tests, gastrointestinal distress, nausea , Hypotension, disseminated intravascular coagulation, hemolysis, leukopenia, lymphadenopathy , Myalgia , Agitation, coma, confusion, delerium, dizziness, hallucinations, obtundation, psychosis, seizures, somnolence (these symptoms may be marked, particularly in older adults , alopecia, erythema multiforme, pruritis, rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, urticaria.

      Drug Interactions

      Probenecid , cimetidine , Mycophenolate mofetil , Cyclosporin , Tacrolimus , Theophylline


      Aciclovir can be used to • Treat chickenpox and shingles • Treat cold sores, genital herpes and other herpes simplex infections • Stop these problems returning after you have had them • Stop these problems in people whose immune system works less well, which means their bodies are less able to fight infections.

      When not to Use

      Do not take Aciclovir : • If you are allergic to aciclovir or valaciclovir or any of the other ingredients of this medicine.

      Acylex Tablets Precautions


      Elderly patients are likely to have reduced renal function and therefore the need for dose adjustment must be considered in this group of patients. Both elderly patients and patients with renal impairment are at increased risk of developing neurological side effects and should be closely monitored for evidence of these effects. In the reported cases, these reactions were generally reversible on discontinuation of treatment . 

      Acylex Tablets Warnings

      Warning 1

      Aciclovir is eliminated by renal clearance, therefore the dose must be adjusted in patients with renal impairment .

      Warning 2

      Some side effects such as feeling drowsy or sleepy may impair your ability to concentrate and react. Make sure you are not affected before you drive or operate machinery .

      Warning 3

      Hydration status: Care should be taken to maintain adequate hydration in patients receiving high oral doses of aciclovir.

      Acylex Tablets Additional Information

      Pregnancy category

      Always consult your physician before using any medicine.

      Storage (YES/NO)

      Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.

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