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      vepridone 60ml syrup 1mg/ml Product Image

      Vepridone 60Ml Syrup 1Mg/Ml

      Rs. 475.41

      Rs. 500.43



      Vepridone 60Ml Specification

      Requires Prescription (YES/NO)




      Used For


      How it works

      The mechanism of action of risperidone in schizophrenia is unclear. The drug’s therapeutic activity in schizophrenia could be mediated through a combination of dopamine Type 2 (D2) and serotonin Type 2 (5HT2) receptor antagonism. The clinical effect from risperidone results from the combined concentrations of risperidone and its major metabolite, 9-hydroxyrisperidone (paliperidone). Antagonism at receptors other than D2 and 5HT2 may explain some of the other effects of risperidone.

      Vepridone 60Ml Usage And Safety



      Side Effects

      • Increased mortality in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis • Cerebrovascular adverse events, including stroke, in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis • Neuroleptic malignant syndrome • Tardive dyskinesia • Metabolic Changes (Hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus, Dyslipidemia, and Weight Gain) • Hyperprolactinemia • Orthostatic hypotension • Falls • Leukopenia, neutropenia, and agranulocytosis • Potential for cognitive and motor impairment • Seizures • Dysphagia • Priapism • Disruption of body temperature regulation • Patients with Phenylketonuria .

      Drug Interactions

      Fluoxetine , Paroxetine , Carbamazepine , Ranitidine , Cimetidine , Erythromycin , Amitriptyline , levodopa , ketoconazole , verapamil , furoseamide , paliperidone , dopamine agonists , rifampicin , anticholinergics.


      It (risperidone) is indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia.

      When not to Use

      It is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to either risperidone or paliperidone, or to any of the excipients in the formulation. Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic reactions and angioedema, have been reported in patients treated with risperidone and in patients treated with paliperidone. Paliperidone is a metabolite of risperidone.

      Vepridone 60Ml Precautions


      Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis treated with antipsychotic drugs are at an increased risk of death.

      Vepridone 60Ml Warnings

      Warning 1

      Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS), a potentially fatal symptom complex, has been reported in association with antipsychotic drugs.

      Warning 2

      Tardive dyskinesia, a syndrome consisting of potentially irreversible, involuntary, dyskinetic movements, may develop in patients treated with antipsychotic drugs.

      Warning 3

      Atypical antipsychotic drugs have been associated with metabolic changes that may increase cardiovascular/cerebrovascular risk. These metabolic changes include hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and body weight gain. While all of the drugs in the class have been shown to produce some metabolic changes, each drug has its own specific risk profile .

      Vepridone 60Ml Additional Information

      Pregnancy category

      Always consult your physician before using any medicine.

      Storage (YES/NO)

      Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.

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